93314 Zip Code

93314 Zip Code

The 93314 zip code is located in the Northwest area of Bakersfield, California. Below are home sales, hospitals, schools, libraries, data, facts and figures that might affect the local real estate market.

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Market Report for 93314

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Basic Facts for 93314

  • Post Office City: Bakersfield, CA
  • County: Kern County
  • Time Zone: Pacific
  • Region: West
  • Division: Pacific
  • Area code: 661
  • Coordinates: 35.4, -119.2
  • Elevation: 332
  • Land Area: 98.95
  • Water Area: 0.408
  • Population: 22,393
  • Population Density: 226 people per sq mi
  • Housing Units: 7,515
  • Occupied Housing Units: 7,077

Demography of 93314

  • Current Population:28,963
  • 2010 Census:22,393
  • Population Density:292.70
  • Current Population:28,963
  • 2010 Census:22,393
  • Male:14,533
  • Female:14,430
  • White:23,868
  • Black or African American:290
  • American Indian & Alaska Native:543
  • Asian:1,840
  • Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander:93
  • Some Other Race:1,199
  • Population 1 year and Over:28,641
  • Less than 1 year:322
  • Native:26,020
  • Foreign Born:2,943
  • Naturalized U.S. Citizen:1,678
  • Not a U.S. Citizen:1,265

Schools for 93314

  • Nursery School or Preschool 370
  • Kindergarten 419
  • Elementary School 3,294
  • High School 2,166
  • College or Graduate School 2,035
  • 9th Grade 740
  • 9th-12th Grade 945
  • High School 3,793
  • College Degree 5,056
  • Associate Degree 2,144
  • Bachelor or Higher 3,790
  • Professional or Higher 2,367

Household and Family for 93314

  • Non-family Household:1,494
  • Family Household:7,723
  • Householder:9,217
  • Spouse:6,758
  • Unmarried Partner:369
  • Other Relatives:1,874
  • Non-relatives:838

Employment for 93314

  • In Labor Force:13,875
  • Not In Labor Force:8,095
  • Employed:13,069
  • Unemployed:741
  • Self-driving 10,831
  • Carpooled 1,029
  • Public Transportation 35
  • Walked 86
  • Other Means 94
  • Management 6,214
  • Service 1,870
  • Sales 3,026
  • Construction 949
  • Transportation 1,010

Industry for 93314

  • Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting, Mining 1,239
  • Construction 1,243
  • Manufacturing 535
  • Wholesale Trade 574
  • Retail Trade 720
  • Transportation Warehousing Utilities 629
  • Information 148
  • Finance And Insurance Real Estate And Rental And Leasing 642
  • Professional Scientific Management Administrative 1,049
  • Educational Services Health Care Social Assistance 3,606
  • Arts Entertainment Recreation Accommodation Food Services 900
  • Other Services Except Public Administration 553
  • Public Administration 1,231

Income for 93314

  • Median Earnings for Male Full-time Year-round Workers:87,581
  • Median Earnings for Female Full-time Year-round Workers:62,833
  • Per Capita Income:44,163
  • Median Earnings for Workers:57,194

Insurance and Benefits for 93314

  • With Health Insurance:27,854
  • No Health Insurance:1,044
  • Private Insurance:23,906
  • Public Insurance:6,259
  • Retired Workers:2,860
  • Disabled Workers:365
  • Widow And Parents:235
  • Spouses:175
  • Children:235

Real Estate Types for 93314

  • Occupied Housing Units:9,217
  • Vacant Housing Units:453
  • 1 unit detached 8,552
  • 1 unit attached 85
  • 2 units 38
  • 3 or 4 units 354
  • 5 to 9 units 0
  • 10 to 19 units 21
  • 20 or more units 24
  • 1 room 122
  • 2 rooms 44
  • 3 rooms 125
  • 4 rooms 998
  • 5 rooms 1,815
  • 6 rooms 1,907
  • 7 rooms 1,826
  • 8 rooms 1,367
  • 9 rooms or more 1,466

Home Construction Dates for 93313

  • 2014 or later: 1,093
  • 2010-2013: 716
  • 2000-2009: 3,567
  • 1990-1999: 1,507
  • 1980-1989: 1,685
  • 1970-1979: 649
  • 1960-1969: 272
  • 1950-1959: 133
  • 1940-1949: 1
  • 1939 or earlier: 47

Utilities for 93314

Helpful Bakersfield Utilities Guide (Gas, Electric, Water, Trash, Internet)

  • Utility Gas:6487
  • Bottled, Tank Gas:218
  • Electricity:2047
  • Fuel Oil, Kerosene:44
  • Wood:29
  • Solar Energy:252
  • Other Fuel:82
  • No Fuel Used:58

Business for 93314

  • Number of Business:441
  • Number of Employees:4,419
  • Business First Quarter Payroll:52,001
  • Business Annual Payroll:221,382

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