93263 Zip Code

93263 Zip Code

The 93263 zip code is located in Shafter, California, a suburb of Bakersfield. Below are home sales, hospitals, schools, libraries, data, facts and figures that might affect the local real estate market.

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Market Report for 93263

Neighborhoods in 93263

Gossamer Grove

Basic Facts for 93312

Post Office City: Shafter
County: Kern County
Time Zone: Pacific
Region: West
Division: Pacific
Coordinates: 35.5, -119.3
Land Area:90.593
Water Area:0
Population: 19,582
Population Density: 216 people per sq mi
Housing Units: 5,305

Museums in 93263

Shafter Depot Museum, 150 Central Valley Hwy, Shafter CA, 93263
Phone: (661) 746-1557

Libraries in 93263

Shafter Branch Library, 236 James Street, Shafter CA, 93263
Phone: (661) 746-2156

Schools in 93263

Golden Oak Elementary, 331 Shafter Ave, Shafter, Grades KG-5
Maple Elementary, 29161 Fresno Ave, Shafter, Grades KG-8
Redwood Elementary, 331 Shafter Ave, Shafter, Grades 1-5
Richland Junior High, 331 Shafter Ave, Shafter, Grades 6-8
Shafter High, 526 Mannel Ave, Shafter, Grades 9-12

Demography in 93263

Current Population:22,210
2010 Census:19,582
Population Density:245.16
Black or African American:437
American Indian & Alaska Native:32
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander:0
Some Other Race:3,100
Population 1 year and Over:21964
Less than 1 year:246
Foreign Born:6511
Naturalized U.S. Citizen:1460
Not a U.S. Citizen:5051

Education in 93263

Nursery School or Preschool 322
Kindergarten 327
Elementary School 3,196
High School 1,869
College or Graduate School 1,331
9th Grade 3,533
9th-12th Grade 1,842
High School 3,411
College Degree 1,708
Associate Degree 533
Bachelor or Higher 939
Professional or Higher 325

Household and Family in 93263

Non-family Household:1,026
Family Household:4,799
Unmarried Partner:350
Other Relatives:1,917

Employment in 93263

In Labor Force:8,966
Not In Labor Force:6,835
Self-driving 6,728
Carpooled 825
Public Transportation 41
Walked 22
Other Means 250
Management 1,178
Service 1,557
Sales 1,077
Construction 2,956
Transportation 1,354

Industry in 93263

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting Mining 2,659
Construction 558
Manufacturing 377
Wholesale Trade 429
Retail Trade 701
Transportation, Warehousing, Utilities 594
Information 8
Finance & Insurance, Real Estate Rental & Leasing 83
Professional, Scientific, Management, Administrative 528
Educational Services, Health Care, Social Assistance 909
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation, Accommodation, Food Services 578
Other Services Except Public Administration 320
Public Administration 378

Income in 93263

Median Earnings for Male Full-time Year-round Workers:38,478
Median Earnings for Female Full-time Year-round Workers:25,924
Per Capita Income:16,738
Median Earnings for Workers:22,390

Insurance & Benefits in 93263

With Health Insurance:19,821
No Health Insurance:1,786
Private Insurance:9,167
Public Insurance:12,219
Retired Workers:1,510
Disabled Workers:375
Widow And Parents:170

Real Estate in 93263

Occupied Housing Units:5,825
Vacant Housing Units:370
1 unit detached 4,931
1 unit attached 149
2 units 205
3 or 4 units 218
5 to 9 units 77
10 to 19 units 132
20 or more units 167
1 room 115
2 rooms 62
3 rooms 344
4 rooms 1,206
5 rooms 2,249
6 rooms 1,498
7 rooms 255
8 rooms 311
9 rooms or more 155

Years of Construction in 93263

2014 or later: 299
2010-2013: 209
2000-2009: 963
1990-1999: 1,063
1980-1989: 601
1970-1979: 520
1960-1969: 940
1950-1959: 923
1940-1949: 278
1939 or earlier: 399

Utilities in 93263

Utility Gas:3,394
Bottled, Tank Gas:108
Solar Energy:42
Other Fuel:17
No Fuel Used:144

Business in 93263

Number of Business:222
Number of Employees:5,404
Business First Quarter Payroll:55,288
Business Annual Payroll:245,620[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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