93304 Zip Code
The 93304 zip code is located in the central area of Bakersfield, California. Below are home sales, hospitals, schools, libraries, data, facts and figures that might affect the local real estate market.
Table of Contents
- 93304 Zip Code
- Map Outline and Location of 93304
- Search Homes For Sale in 93304
- Search Homes Sold in 93304
- Market Report for 93304
- Neighborhoods in 93304
- Basic Facts for 93304
- Libraries for 93304
- Schools for 93304
- Demography for 93304
- Mobility for 93304
- Education for 93304
- Household and Family for 93304
- Employment for 93304
- Industry in 93304
- Insurance for 93304
- Real Estate in 93304
- Dates of Construction in 93304
- Utilities in 93304
- Business in 93304
- Search Bakersfield Neighborhoods

Map Outline and Location of 93304
Search Homes For Sale in 93304
FULL Page of Homes For Sale in 93304
Search Homes Sold in 93304
FULL Page of Homes Sold in 93304
Market Report for 93304
Neighborhoods in 93304
Basic Facts for 93304
Post Office City: Bakersfield, CA
Neighborhood: Downtown
County: Kern County
Population: 48,731
Population Density: 6,416 people per sq mi
Housing Units: 16,480
Median Home Value: $98,800
Land Area: 7.59 sq mi
Occupied Housing Units: 14,981
Median Household Income: $35,059
Land Area:7.595
Time Zone: Pacific
Region: West
Libraries for 93304
Eleanor N. Wilson Branch Library, 1901 Wilson Road, Bakersfield; (661) 834-4044
Schools for 93304
Emerson Middle, 801 Fourth St, Bakersfield, Grades 6-8
Evergreen Elementary, 2600 Rose Marie Dr, Bakersfield, Grades KG-6
Frank West Elementary, 2400 Benton St, Bakersfield, Grades KG-5
Mckinley Elementary, 601 Fourth St, Bakersfield, Grades KG-6
Leo Pauly Elementary, 313 Planz Rd, Bakersfield, Grades KG-5
Plantation Elementary, 901 Plantation Ave, Bakersfield, Grades KG-5
Planz Elementary, 2400 Planz Rd, Bakersfield, Grades KG-5
Roosevelt Elementary, 2324 Verde St, Bakersfield, Grades KG-5
Amy Seibert Elementary, 2800 Agate St, Bakersfield, Grades KG-6
Sequoia Middle, 900 Belle Terrace, Bakersfield, Grades 6-8
Demography for 93304
Current Population:49,115
2010 Census:48,731
Population Density:6,466.75
Current Population:49,115
2010 Census:48,731
Black or African American:6,462
American Indian And Alaska Native:857
Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander:64
Mobility for 93304
Population 1 year and Over:48,394
Less than 1 year:721
Foreign Born:10,255
Naturalized U.S. Citizen:3,326
Not a U.S. Citizen:6,929
Education for 93304
Nursery School or Preschool – 982
Kindergarten – 1,011
Elementary School – 6,240
High School – 2,993
9th Grade – 4,357
9th-12th Grade – 4,724
High School – 9,106
College or Graduate School – 2,716
College Degree – 6,138
Associate Degree – 1,534
Bachelor or Higher – 1,470
Professional or Higher – 932
Household and Family for 93304
Non-family Household:4,015
Family Household:10,966
Unmarried Partner:1,819
Other Relatives:5,738
Employment for 93304
In Labor Force:22,059
Not In Labor Force:13,449
Self-driving: 15,172
Carpooled: 2,401
Public Transportation: 345
Walked: 236
Other Means: 599
Management: 3,052
Service: 4,729
Sales: 4,057
Construction: 4,291
Transportation: 3,443
Industry in 93304
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting, Mining: 2,257
Construction: 1,933
Manufacturing: 807
Wholesale Trade: 518
Retail Trade: 2,816
Transportation, Warehousing, Utilities: 1,389
Information: 183
Finance & Insurance, Real Estate Rental & Leasing: 501
Professional, Scientific, Management, Administrative: 1,680
Educational Services, Health Care, Social Assistance: 3,767
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation, Accommodation, Food Services: 2,533
Other Services Except Public Administration: 741
Public Administration: 447
Insurance for 93304
With Health Insurance:44,254
No Health Insurance:4,627
Private Insurance:16,186
Public Insurance:30,915
Retired Workers:3,935
Disabled Workers:1,185
Widow And Parents:500
Real Estate in 93304
Occupied Housing Units:14,981
Vacant Housing Units:1,103
1 unit detached 11,002
1 unit attached 406
2 units 897
3 or 4 units 959
5 to 9 units 681
10 to 19 units 480
20 or more units 1,182
1 room 596
2 rooms 530
3 rooms 1,587
4 rooms 3,770
5 rooms 5,768
6 rooms 2,146
7 rooms 995
8 rooms 315
9 rooms or more 377
Dates of Construction in 93304
2014 or later 22
2010-2013 79
2000-2009 692
1990-1999 870
1980-1989 1,899
1970-1979 2,702
1960-1969 2,840
1950-1959 3,721
1940-1949 1,756
1939 or earlier 1,503
Utilities in 93304
Utility Gas:8,935
Bottled Tank Gas:135
Solar Energy:117
Other Fuel:29
No Fuel Used:667
Business in 93304
In ZIP Code 93304, there are 670 businesses, and 8,672 employees. The business first quarter payroll and annual payroll were $52,265 and $209,258 respectively.
Number of Business:670
Number of Employees:8,672
Business First Quarter Payroll:52,265
Business Annual Payroll:209,258