93311 Zip Code

93311 Zip Code

The 93311 zip code is located in the Southwest area of Bakersfield, California. Below are home sales, hospitals, schools, libraries, data, facts and figures that might affect the local real estate market.

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Basic Facts for 93311

Post Office City: Bakersfield, CA
County: Kern County
Time Zone: Pacific
Area code: 661
Coordinates: 35.2, -119.2
Land Area:169.47
Water Area:0.64
Time Zone:Pacific
Population 40,829
Population Density 241 people per sq mi

Museums in 93311

Todd Madigan Gallery, 9001 Stockdale Highway, Bakersfield CA, 93311

Libraries in 93311

Southwest Branch Library, 8301 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield CA, 93311

Schools in 93311

Buena Vista Elementary, 6547 Buena Vista Rd., Bakersfield, Grades KG-6
Hart Elementary, 9501 Ridge Oak Dr., Bakersfield, Grades KG-6
Mcauliffe Elementary, 8900 Westwold Dr., Bakersfield, Grades KG-6
Reagan Elementary, 10800 Rosslyn Ln., Bakersfield, Grades KG-6
Sing Lum Elementary, 4600 Chaney Ln., Bakersfield, Grades KG-6
Stockdale High School, 2800 Buena Vista Rd., Bakersfield, Grades 9-12

Demography for 93311

Current Population:45,481
2010 Census:40,829
Population Density:268.37
Current Population:45,481
2010 Census:40,829
Black or African American:2,519
American Indian & Alaska Native:295
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander:143
Some Other Race:2,727
Population 1 year and Over:44,879
Less than 1 year:602
Foreign Born:9,720
Naturalized U.S. Citizen:5,722
Not a U.S. Citizen:3,998

Education for 93311

Nursery School or Preschool 536
Kindergarten 649
Elementary School 5,304
High School 3,182
College or Graduate School 4,445
9th Grade 1,594
9th-12th Grade 1,923
High School 5,255
College Degree 5,851
Associate Degree 3,173
Bachelor or Higher 6,773
Professional or Higher 4,208

Household and Family in 93311

Non-family Household:3,193
Family Household:11,331
Unmarried Partner:517
Other Relatives:2,845

Employment in 93311

In Labor Force:22,169
Not In Labor Force:12,600
Self-driving: 17,807
Carpooled: 1,336
Public Transportation: 192
Walked: 175
Other Means: 256
Management: 9,948
Service: 2,671
Sales: 4,082
Construction: 1,979
Transportation: 2,616

Industry in 93311

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting, Mining 1,746
Construction 1,206
Manufacturing 1,153
Wholesale Trade 580
Retail Trade 2,366
Transportation, Warehousing, Utilities 1,440
Information 259
Finance & Insurance, Real Estate Rental & Leasing 940
Professional, Scientific, Management, Administrative 1,861
Educational Services, Health Care, Social Assistance 6,063
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation, Accommodation, Food Services 1,610
Other Services Except Public Administration 661
Public Administration 1,411

Income for 93311

Median Earnings For Male Full-time Year-round Workers:74,114
Median Earnings For Female Full-time Year-round Workers:57,018
Per Capita Income:40,624
Median Earnings For Workers:49,102

Insurance and Benefits for 93311

With Health Insurance:42,926
No Health Insurance:2,418
Private Insurance:35,552
Public Insurance:11,226
Retired Workers:4,230
Disabled Workers:715
Widow And Parents:365

Real Estate in 93311

Occupied Housing Units:14,524
Vacant Housing Units:1,018
1 unit detached: 13,066
1 unit attached: 219
2 units: 138
3 or 4 units: 535
5 to 9 units: 406
10 to 19 units: 415
20 or more units: 636
1 room: 294
2 rooms: 313
3 rooms: 757
4 rooms: 1,746
5 rooms: 3,775
6 rooms: 3,135
7 rooms: 2,582
8 rooms: 1,440
9 rooms or more: 1,500

Dates of Construction for 93311

2014 or later: 1,145
2010-2013: 667
2000-2009: 5,731
1990-1999: 3,507
1980-1989: 3,427
1970-1979: 507
1960-1969: 249
1950-1959: 172
1940-1949: 45
1939 or earlier: 92

Utilities for 93311

Utility Gas:10,534
Bottled Tank Gas:225
Fuel Oil, Kerosene:14
Solar Energy:339
No Fuel Used:65

Business in 93311

Number of Business:738
Number of Employees:11,568
Business First Quarter Payroll:186,209
Business Annual Payroll:658,176

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